Burnt Hickory | Sermons
Love | Hope | Family | Community
We found 10 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons with the tag “sermon”.
DNOW22 | How to Reach & Keep Gen Z
Episode | March 27th, 2022 | 44 mins 32 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
DNOW – short for Disciple Now, is an intensive weekend for middle and high school students to gather together for amazing worship, in depth bible studies, competitive recreation, and bonding fellowship. This year was an amazing weekend, and it spills over into Sunday morning with our DNOW guest speaker, Ryan Fontenot leading us in how to reach Gen Z for Jesus and how to keep them on the path towards growing deeper in their relationship with Him. Ryan teaches us that we must invest, include, invite, inspire, introduce, and intercede for the next generation of students before they are lost.
Runaway Prophet | Plants and People
Episode | March 20th, 2022 | 39 mins 14 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We conclude the sermon series on Jonah today by looking at chapter 4 and the final scenes of Jonah’s heart. The fish has spit him back on land, he has proclaimed the gospel, people have repented and been saved, and now Jonah is angry. As we study the conversation between Jonah and God, we see that Jonah’s heart is idolatrous and ignorant. He has built his identity on something other that God, and has a desire opposed to God’s will. Can we not do the same thing in our own lives? Tim Keller puts it this way – “You are never father from God that when you are close to God and say no.” From the study in Chapter 3 we saw that God delights in mercy not in justice, and now we see that he gives Jonah a new heart even in his own idolatrous and ignorant anger. Are you Jonah or Nineveh?
Are there places in your life that you are saying no to God? Has your heart set its desire on and are you building your identity on something other that God? You can be brought back and restored no matter how angry or how far you have run from God. Repent and ask God for a new heart and find your true identity in what He has created you and called you to be. You can always reach out with any questions or to take the next step – Burnthickory.com/next -
Runaway Prophet | Our Mission of Evangelism
Episode | March 13th, 2022 | 36 mins 53 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
As we study the third chapter in Jonah, we see Jonah come to terms with his calling, and finally obey God in proclaiming the gospel to the Ninevites. We also see how our role and mission of evangelism defines us as God’s people and how urgently people around us need to hear the good news of Jesus. We also learn that God does not delight in judgement, but in mercy, and because of this, we see a people saved from their sins. We know that salvation comes from the Lord, but do you realize that faith comes only from hearing the word of God? We see it over and over in scripture, that we are to speak the word of God into our lives and the lives of those around us every day. This is what builds faith and a faith community.
You may have joined the lost coin challenge a few weeks ago, or are participating in 321 Serve this month, but these are just starting points to beginning a missional lifestyle and seeking opportunities to evangelize and be involved personally in peoples lives in our community. Take time and answer these questions: How can I speak the word of God into people’s lives this week? How can I specifically pray for others in my life that need Jesus? As always, if you’ve got questions about who Jesus is and how to begin your faith journey, then reach out today – burnthickory.com/next. We would love to talk with you and answer any questions as well as pray with you. -
Runaway Prophet | Deep Repentance
Episode | March 6th, 2022 | 42 mins 28 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We dive deeper into Jonah this week by looking at Chapter 2 as we see the storm that overwhelmed Jonah and now, he’s in the belly of the fish seeking repentance. We can also gather through scripture that God uses storms in our lives for protection, perfecting, and correcting. Being stuck inside the fist for three days, Jonah started to pray. He thought he had been abandoned and banished from God’s sight. Have you ever been swallowed by a storm in life and feel that you are forgotten by God? What we can learn from Jonah’s deep repentance is that you are not forgotten, life is meaningless without God at the center of it, and idols will never fulfil us and will always leave us empty. Salvation always comes only from the Lord, and we see that Jonah was spit out onto dry land.
Are you in the midst of a storm? Do you need to repent and be saved? What takeaways did you get from Jonah’s story? As always, we would love to connect with you and answer any questions and pray with you. You can reach out today – burnthickory.com/next. -
Runaway Prophet | We are Jonah
Episode | February 27th, 2022 | 44 mins 35 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We kick off our next sermon series called Runaway Prophet this week, and we’re going to be diving into the book of Jonah. As we study the bible, and specifically in the story of Jonah, we can learn lessons from the run – the disobedience of Jonah to God’s call. We see that rebellion is simply saying no to God. We learn that not every open door is from God, and our disobedience will always affect others in our life. Many times, God sends storms to break us from our self-reliance. These may seem like hard lessons to hear, but obedience to God is a very serious matter to him, and as we grow more Christlike, our reliance on God should grow too. Our sinful desires are tempting, and if we choose them, we are sinning, and the only real savior is Jesus. Our hope is found in Jesus because of his mercy and grace, and as we deny ourselves and our sinful desires, we grow stronger in our faith.
What areas of your life are you running from God? Are you in the midst of a storm? Are you going to be thrown overboard? What do you need to repent of to be obedient and reliant on God? Take time to pray and ask God to show you how you are being disobedient to him and ask Jesus to forgive your disobedience. God’s plan for you is so much better than your sinful desire and his deliverance is full of mercy. So, stop running away, repent, and run towards God today!
If you’ve got questions about Jesus and being obedient to God, we’d love to talk with you and pray with you. Reach out and take the next step today – burnthickory.com/next -
The Parables of Jesus | The Challenge of the Lost Coin
Episode | February 20th, 2022 | 43 mins 44 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We conclude this sermon series studying the parables of Jesus with pastor Marty teaching through Luke 15 on the parable of the lost sheep and coin. The framework to view this parable through is the truth that Jesus is keenly aware of people’s loneliness, and he is willing to go to great lengths to save those who are lost. We as believers should be less concerned with our religion, and more concerned with seeing the lost found. As the world becomes more dark, our temptation is to become more religious. This goes against what Jesus is teaching, that we, now more than ever, need to become more like him and see the lost like never before. Our job as Christians in daily life should not be pointing to ourselves in boast, but listening and loving others and pointing them to Christ.
Do you feel conviction for the lost, or conviction about your lack of concern for the lost? Are you constantly aware of the loneliness and sadness in people around you? Have you gotten out of your comfort zone and talked to someone about Jesus lately? What a reminder for us, that salvation is just a point in the journey, but evangelism is a process, and we get to be a part of it as God works in peoples lives. Take time to participate in the lost coin challenge, and as you seek for him to do something in you, he will do something through you. As always, reach out if you’ve got any questions or want to take the next step in your faith journey – burnthickory.com/next -
The Parables of Jesus | The Love of the Merciful Father
Episode | February 13th, 2022 | 43 mins 29 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We come to the parable of the lost or prodigal son this week in our study of the parables of Jesus. As we look deeper in Luke chapter 15 during this bible study, we see that the elements of sin are a desire for independence and instant gratification. This son breaks his father’s heart by asking for his inheritance early and leaving home. What Jesus shows us in this parable is the love of a father that reflects our Holy Father, one who loves us even when we break his heart and wander in darkness. His love is so great for us when we are brought home that he wraps His arms around us and gives us gifts of grace. He makes us new. What a great parallel to how God loves us no matter where we are, and the extravagance of that love is way more than our sin.
What stands out to you in this passage? Where are you, wandering in darkness or in the father’s house? Has He rescued you and made you new? We would love to pray with you or talk about who Jesus is and answer any questions you have. We believe in walking through life together, so if you aren’t part of a faith community, then reach out today – we’d love to get you plugged in so that you can grow closer to Christ alongside others. BurntHickory.com/next -
The Parables of Jesus | Will You Listen to the Warning?
Episode | February 6th, 2022 | 45 mins 57 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
The parable from scripture that we look at this week is found in Matthew chapter 21, where Jesus teaches us about a vineyard owner who rents his field to some farmers. The farmers beat and kill the owners’ servants who’ve come to collect what’s owed him. Then they kill his son. But before we judge the sins of these people in the past, we need to realize that we are not beyond sin. The history of human depravity should not make us feel proud and smug, but should make us live in constant humble repentance, begging to God that our heart can march in another direction. The truth is that God has provided our heart with all that we need to trust and serve Him, and most of our unbelief is really just willful refection of God. The root of our rejection comes from our desire to be in control, and God’s grace towards a lost heart is merciful, but won’t last forever. Just like the vineyard owner who has sent warning after warning, God is mercifully warning us about willfully rejecting Him in our hearts. Are you listening to the warning?
Has this sermon caused you to consider God’s warning about sin in your heart? Do you want to know how to take the next step and not be lost? We would love to pray with you or answer any questions you have about Jesus and what He has done for you. Reach out today – burnthickory.com/next -
The Parables of Jesus | Sheep or Goat?
Episode | January 30th, 2022 | 44 mins 48 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
This week, we dig deeper into Matthew looking at the parables that Jesus taught that relay huge truths to our lives as Christians. Today we look at the difference between sheep and goats, and the distinction that Jesus warns us in being a lukewarm believer. Is it enough to read the bible, attend church, and avoid the “big sins”? Who will go to heaven? When should you start living for Jesus? Pastor Matt poses some important questions from this bible study that need serious consideration about where you stand in eternity. Signs of being a lukewarm Christian include not really wanting to be saved from sin, only the consequences of sin, not sharing your faith with people around you, and thinking about life here on earth much more than eternity.
Do any of these seem familiar? Are you afraid that you are living a lukewarm life? Begin today by asking Jesus to be the savior of your life and start living for him now. We would love to celebrate your decision to follow Christ, and talk with you more about your next step, so reach out today – burnthickory.com/next -
The Parables of Jesus | Five O’clock Faith
Episode | January 23rd, 2022 | 37 mins
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
There are times in your life that you might ask the question, God, why did you let this happen to me? Does life just not seem fair? How are we supposed to by happy in an unfair life? Well, if God gave us what we deserved, we’d be doomed from the start. God has called us to trust in his goodness and promises, no matter what our circumstances in life look like. We need to reflect on our relationship with God and find any places where we are bitter because we feel he has withheld some blessing, or when we are jealous of the good things that others have. This actually robs us of our happiness. Do you get angry when God doesn’t answer your prayers the way you think he should? Or do you feel uncertain about where you stand with God. Then this shows that we are not trusting in God’s promises. When we do trust him, our bitterness, jealousy, anger, and insecurity is replaced with gratitude, contentment, peace, and assurance.
Do you feel like life is unfair, or are dealing with understanding why you are going through tough times if God is so loving? God will always have you, so never give up. Then take time to reach out today, we’d love to pray with you and help you shift your insecurity to assurance through trusting in God. We want you to live a happy life, one of gratitude, filled with peace, and grateful to God for his promises – burnthickory.com/next