Burnt Hickory | Sermons
Love | Hope | Family | Community
We found 10 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons with the tag “sermon”.
Church in Deep Water
Episode | July 17th, 2022 | 48 mins 45 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Pastor Alan shares some characteristics of a church in deep water, not being in trouble, but following God’s commands to go deeper in following Him and fishing for men in a lost world. We see in scripture – Luke 5:1-11; that we need to have deep water experiences in our faith, and we need to have them more often. The greatest catch in the disciples’ careers ended in them abandoning everything and following Jesus. In the same manner, we need to abandon everything and follow Christ into deep waters.
As always, if you’ve got questions, we’d love to connect with you to help you find answers and pray with you. Please reach out and take the next step in your faith journey – burnthickory.com/next. -
A Broken Heart For The Lost
Episode | July 10th, 2022 | 29 mins 42 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Our Radiate Students just got back from their mission trip to Alaska, and Pastor Eli challenges us to have a broken heart for the lost. We learn that we need to live on mission, not just go on mission. That as we live out the daily rhythms of life, that we need to share the hope of Jesus to everyone with boldness. Take the example of our students and dig into scripture, be transformed, and reach out to those in our community who need hope.
Joyful Exiles | Living In Freedom
Episode | July 3rd, 2022 | 42 mins 54 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We conclude our sermon series on being Joyful Exiles with a special celebration looking forward to Independence Day tomorrow. As we consider living in freedom, Pastor Marty shows us in 1 Peter that God wants to deliver us from bondage and have us live in His freedom. God wants us to see the lies of Satan and understand that hardships are normal and also temporary, that God is there to handle our anxiety, and that He will save and restore us. We not only should be living in the freedom that is found in Christ, but we should also be striving to save the lost.
What lies are you believing from the enemy? What truths do you need to dwell on in your life right now and believe? In light of your freedom in Christ, how will you celebrate? As always, if you’ve got questions, please reach out anytime and take the next step – burnthickory.com/next and we’d love to connect with you and pray with you. -
Joyful Exiles | Living with the End in Sight
Episode | June 26th, 2022 | 44 mins 14 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
As we continue to explore 1 Peter, we learn how to live with the end in sight. We see in scripture that the end of all things is near, and because of that, we need to be alert and sober minded. God’s desires need to be placed before ours and we need to love each other deeply while practicing caring hospitality. The real question is, if you knew Jesus was returning today, what would you change about how you are serving him right now? In light of the end being near, we don’t need to get mired down in depression, but strive even more to point all glory to God and serve him faithfully.
John Piper says – “If you are most satisfied in family or job or fame or success or money or food or music or health or staying alive — if you are more satisfied in any of those than you are in God — then you diminish the glory of God, and you magnify the glory of what you’re most satisfied by. The Bible makes clear that we should live in order to display the supreme worth and beauty and glory of God. That’s our primary reason for existence.”
Based on this, how is your love for others? What things do you need to change? Are you satisfied in God? As always, if you’ve got questions, you can reach out anytime – burnthickory.com/next. We’d love to connect with you, answer any questions and take time to pray with you. -
Joyful Exiles | Finding Joy Even In The Hard Times
Episode | June 19th, 2022 | 41 mins 36 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Struggling in life is inevitable, but as Christians, we don’t have to be miserable when life gets hard. As we continue looking at 1 Peter, we see that we can find joy even in the hard times of life. Pastor Matt shows us that we can seek peace through being humble, compassionate, and by loving one another. We know that suffering is coming, and when we prepare for it and turn the suffering into a witness because Christ has already won, then we can find ultimate joy.
What suffering in your life is robbing you of peace and joy? How does your mindset change when viewing that suffering in the light of Jesus’ victory over death? What do you need to change that will lead you to joy in the midst of suffering? If you’ve got questions or want to take the next step in your faith journey, then reach out to day – burnthickory.com/next. We’d love to pray with you and help you find joy in life. -
Joyful Exiles | Got To Keep Growing
Episode | June 12th, 2022 | 41 mins 16 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
As we explore more in 1Peter, we dig deeper into the Christian life and learn that we have to mature. We see in scripture that we should love the word of God, and that the word endures forever, it is good, and when we apply it to our lives, it gives us confidence. We also need to embrace our identity in Christ, because the 1Peter lays out that we are chosen, royalty, part of the priesthood, we are valued, and we are forgiven. And because that’s our identity, we live out our purpose through Jesus.
Based on the identity laid out in scripture, how does that change your perspective? Are you anchored to the right foundation? Do you have questions or want someone to pray with? We’d love to connect with you and help you take the next step in your faith journey, just reach out – burnthickory.com/next -
Joyful Exiles | Living Hope
Episode | June 5th, 2022 | 46 mins
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
First Peter begins with – to the exiles scattered throughout the provinces who have been chosen. Peter is trying to encourage these fledgling Christians who are scattered to remain steadfast in the joy of Christ. Pastor Matt shows us that we too can live out joyfully even though we are exiles in this world. We should remember that God has chosen us, and He gives us a living hope. We walk out that living hope by being prepared, looking to Christ and not back to our past, being different, standing amazed and loving big. The real question is, is God just useful to you or is he beautiful to you?
What do you continue to struggle with running back to that you need to ask God to forgive you for? Are you walking in living hope? What is robbing you of your joy in remembering that God has chosen you? If you’ve got questions or need someone to pray with, then reach out – burnthickory.com/next. We’d love to connect with you and help you find your next step in your faith journey. -
Do You Want To Be Like Jesus?
Episode | May 29th, 2022 | 44 mins 9 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We really need to consider what it means to be a follower of Jesus, and to be like him. Jesus was betrayed, doubted, persecuted, had no social life, spent 40 days fasting in prayer, and was crucified. We have to ask ourselves; do we really want to be like Jesus? What we focus on develops in our lives, and if we are relying on the one who has given us life to the fullest, everything else will be added to us. The bible shows us that we shouldn’t be anxious because it weighs us down, but to life by faith, not sight. When we put the truth above our feelings, we are inside of God’s order for our lives.
Are you allowing your feelings to dictate what is truth in your life? Are you dealing with anxiety that’s weighing you down? Do you have questions about who Jesus is and what it means to walk by faith? Then reach out today – burnthickory.com/next. We’d love to answer any questions and pray with you. -
Why It Never Seems To Be Enough
Episode | May 22nd, 2022 | 42 mins 15 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Most people don’t even know where Haggai is in the bible, but this short scripture offers a lot of wisdom and instruction for life. Living sacrificially is a counter cultural way of life, but it’s the life we are called to by the Spirit. But the extent or size of that sacrifice isn’t an indication of God’s acceptance, it’s more about our intentions and placing God’s pleasure above the desire for our own. The sacrifice has to actually cost us something. The prerequisite for receiving the blessings of God is that we have to become the people of God, and when we seek Him first, He will add to us.
What does a life of sacrifice look like? How are you living in light of this? What are some things that you are placing above God that you need to reprioritize? As always, we’d love to connect with you, answer any questions, and pray with you – just reach out today! Burnthickory.com/next -
God’s Will For My Life
Episode | May 15th, 2022 | 42 mins 16 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Understanding God’s will for our lives might seem complicated, but it might be because we are not interpreting our involvement correctly. Perhaps we are not supposed to find God’s will because it was never hidden, and our role is just to walk in it faithfully. We can be aware of walking in God’s will through remembering God’s mercies and through resisting conforming to culture in our thoughts and actions. We also see in scripture that we are to give our life entirely to God and choose to think differently that the world. As we study the bible, we see a blueprint for our lives that lays out being in God’s will. We follow him, remain in him, and he will always be with us.
When is the last time you really spent time thinking about God’s mercies? Have you decided to give yourself entirely to God? If you’ve got questions, we’d love to connect with you, talk about what it means to live a life inside of God’s will, and pray with you. You can always reach out through burnthickory.com/next.