Persistent Prayer | Wisdom From The Master
November 20th, 2022
46 mins 21 secs
About this Episode
As a Christian, you’ve probably asked the question: how much good does prayer do? Today, as we conclude the Wisdom From The Master sermon series, we are going to explore what it means to pray persistently. We study in Luke as Jesus teaches us about knocking on the door of a friend and of the widow who kept asking for justice. When we pray desperately, boldly, persistently, and trustingly, we will see our prayers answered. And even when God is not answering, we must keep praying. We also learn that many times God answers our prayers by giving us what we would have asked for if we knew what He knows.
What is it that you need to put back into your prayer life that you have just stopped praying? Are you frustrated at the ineffectiveness of your prayer life currently? What do you need to change? As always, we’d love to connect with you and take time to pray with you. You can reach out and take the next step –