Burnt Hickory | Sermons

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

241 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons since the first episode, which aired on July 12th, 2020.

  • The Parables of Jesus | The Love of the Merciful Father

    Episode  |  February 13th, 2022  |  43 mins 29 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We come to the parable of the lost or prodigal son this week in our study of the parables of Jesus. As we look deeper in Luke chapter 15 during this bible study, we see that the elements of sin are a desire for independence and instant gratification. This son breaks his father’s heart by asking for his inheritance early and leaving home. What Jesus shows us in this parable is the love of a father that reflects our Holy Father, one who loves us even when we break his heart and wander in darkness. His love is so great for us when we are brought home that he wraps His arms around us and gives us gifts of grace. He makes us new. What a great parallel to how God loves us no matter where we are, and the extravagance of that love is way more than our sin.
    What stands out to you in this passage? Where are you, wandering in darkness or in the father’s house? Has He rescued you and made you new? We would love to pray with you or talk about who Jesus is and answer any questions you have. We believe in walking through life together, so if you aren’t part of a faith community, then reach out today – we’d love to get you plugged in so that you can grow closer to Christ alongside others. BurntHickory.com/next

  • The Parables of Jesus | Will You Listen to the Warning?

    Episode  |  February 6th, 2022  |  45 mins 57 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    The parable from scripture that we look at this week is found in Matthew chapter 21, where Jesus teaches us about a vineyard owner who rents his field to some farmers. The farmers beat and kill the owners’ servants who’ve come to collect what’s owed him. Then they kill his son. But before we judge the sins of these people in the past, we need to realize that we are not beyond sin. The history of human depravity should not make us feel proud and smug, but should make us live in constant humble repentance, begging to God that our heart can march in another direction. The truth is that God has provided our heart with all that we need to trust and serve Him, and most of our unbelief is really just willful refection of God. The root of our rejection comes from our desire to be in control, and God’s grace towards a lost heart is merciful, but won’t last forever. Just like the vineyard owner who has sent warning after warning, God is mercifully warning us about willfully rejecting Him in our hearts. Are you listening to the warning?
    Has this sermon caused you to consider God’s warning about sin in your heart? Do you want to know how to take the next step and not be lost? We would love to pray with you or answer any questions you have about Jesus and what He has done for you. Reach out today – burnthickory.com/next

  • The Parables of Jesus | Sheep or Goat?

    Episode  |  January 30th, 2022  |  44 mins 48 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    This week, we dig deeper into Matthew looking at the parables that Jesus taught that relay huge truths to our lives as Christians. Today we look at the difference between sheep and goats, and the distinction that Jesus warns us in being a lukewarm believer. Is it enough to read the bible, attend church, and avoid the “big sins”? Who will go to heaven? When should you start living for Jesus? Pastor Matt poses some important questions from this bible study that need serious consideration about where you stand in eternity. Signs of being a lukewarm Christian include not really wanting to be saved from sin, only the consequences of sin, not sharing your faith with people around you, and thinking about life here on earth much more than eternity.
    Do any of these seem familiar? Are you afraid that you are living a lukewarm life? Begin today by asking Jesus to be the savior of your life and start living for him now. We would love to celebrate your decision to follow Christ, and talk with you more about your next step, so reach out today – burnthickory.com/next

  • The Parables of Jesus | Five O’clock Faith

    Episode  |  January 23rd, 2022  |  37 mins
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    There are times in your life that you might ask the question, God, why did you let this happen to me? Does life just not seem fair? How are we supposed to by happy in an unfair life? Well, if God gave us what we deserved, we’d be doomed from the start. God has called us to trust in his goodness and promises, no matter what our circumstances in life look like. We need to reflect on our relationship with God and find any places where we are bitter because we feel he has withheld some blessing, or when we are jealous of the good things that others have. This actually robs us of our happiness. Do you get angry when God doesn’t answer your prayers the way you think he should? Or do you feel uncertain about where you stand with God. Then this shows that we are not trusting in God’s promises. When we do trust him, our bitterness, jealousy, anger, and insecurity is replaced with gratitude, contentment, peace, and assurance.
    Do you feel like life is unfair, or are dealing with understanding why you are going through tough times if God is so loving? God will always have you, so never give up. Then take time to reach out today, we’d love to pray with you and help you shift your insecurity to assurance through trusting in God. We want you to live a happy life, one of gratitude, filled with peace, and grateful to God for his promises – burnthickory.com/next

  • The Parables of Jesus | What’s the Gospel Worth?

    Episode  |  January 16th, 2022  |  46 mins 35 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    When we truly value something, we ascribe a cost which is related to what we will give up for it. We see in Matthew 13 a parable taught by Jesus about discovering the true worth of salvation and how that will revalue every area of our life. We see in scripture in this parable about a pearl and a treasure in a field, that the gospel is hidden in simplicity and in ordinary believers, and that gospel attracts us with a promise of greater and eternal joy. But in this simplicity, we see that the gospel requires us to leave everything else. We must have no rivals and no refusals, and we will end with no regrets.
    God is not upset with you because you want to be happy. He's upset for you because he knows that your happiness and joy will only come through him. He knows that's the only thing that will last. When we say that God is a jealous God, he's not jealous because he's insecure. He just knows that he's the only one that can make our lives truly happy. He knows he's the only one that can bring us true joy. The rest of the things in our lives are just fleeting.
    What things are you valuing more than the gospel? In what ways are you complicating the gospel? Are you willing to have no rivals and no refusals? What you might be feeling is conviction, fear, or even anxiousness. We would love to pray with you and walk along side you in your faith journey. You can reach out today to find out more about who Jesus is, how to be forgiven of sin, and how to live out your faith – burnthickory.com./next

  • The Parables of Jesus | What Kind Of Soil

    Episode  |  January 9th, 2022  |  45 mins 31 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We begin a sermon study on the parables of Jesus in the bible with the intention to understand, interpret, and apply the things Jesus taught directly into our lives today. Many times, we can learn truth from these parables, but Jesus also hid meanings inside his teachings, and we have to understand the intentions behind this scripture. Today we look at Matthew 13:1-23, the parable of the Sower. We can learn from this bible study that understanding truth is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and it’s a matter of the heart as well as the head. We also see four types of hearts, the hard, shallow, divided, and the open heart. The hard heart is distracted, the shallow doesn’t follow through. The divided heart is concerned with life, and the open heart represents one who understands and does what the word of God says. The real question is which soil are you?
    If you feel that you have been blocked from scriptural and godly truth because of unwillingness to change of by cherishing sin, then let us pray with you. Maybe today is the day you take the next step in your faith journey, and choose to accept Jesus as your savior, we’d love to walk along side you, celebrate your decision, and find a place for you to walk out your faith – reach out today – burnthickory.com/next

  • A Great Commitment to the Great Commission

    Episode  |  January 2nd, 2022  |  46 mins 42 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    According to research, most churchgoers don’t know what the great commission is. As Christians, we are called to be true disciples, who make disciples. During this bible study, Pastor Alan shows us in Matthew 28 what Jesus says about our great commandment which we are commissioned to fulfil. Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. His promise is that He will always be with us, even to the end of the age. As we teach and love people, we want them to also love the Lord, live the word, serve the body, to ultimately live missionally.
    The purpose of the great commission of Jesus to believers and the church never ends or changes: make disciples, always going baptizing, and teaching. Are you fulfilling the great commission in the daily rhythms of life? Maybe this sermon has kindled a passion or disciple making, or you have more questions about being a disciple. We would love to connect with you, and answer any questions you have, and provide opportunities for you to make disciples – reach out to us today! Burnthickory.com

  • And He Will Be Called | Prince of Peace

    Episode  |  December 26th, 2021  |  45 mins 26 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We conclude our study of Isiah 9:6 with the final description of the coming King Jesus with Him fulfilling the prophecy of being the Prince of Peace. Sar in Hebrew means Jesus is the Lord, the chief, the general, and the one in charge of everything. Shalom means rest, tranquility, wholeness and completeness. The peace that Christ brings to us is a peace with God the Father, within ourselves, and with others. Real peace that we encounter in scripture is not absent of pain or problems, it’s when we abide with Jesus that we find true peace.
    This sermon series has not only covered the prophecy of Jesus being the wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, and prince of peace; but we hope that you have encountered how Jesus can be each of these in your life right now. If you’ve got questions about who Jesus is, or how to find peace, please reach out – burnthickory.com/next, we’d love to answer any questions and pray with you today.

  • Christmas Eve At Burnt Hickory | Immanuel, God With Us

    Episode  |  December 23rd, 2021  |  19 mins 34 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    Its Christmas Eve, and we are celebrating the greatest gift ever given, Immanuel, God with us. Pastor Matt recounts Luke’s version of the birth of Jesus, and shows us that during this season of gifts, we should ponder and treasure the best gift.

  • And He Will Be Called | Everlasting Father

    Episode  |  December 19th, 2021  |  41 mins 50 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We continue our study of Isiah 9:6 about the coming messiah Jesus, and we see that He is not just our Wonderful Counselor, Might God, but also our eternal and Everlasting Father. Jesus has no beginning or end. In John, we read that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Then in John 1:14 “Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” He is truly everlasting, and his character never changes. He is described as our father because he gives us life, provides for our needs, cares deeply for us, and he has promised and will never walk out on us. This is the good news, the gospel, that Jesus gives us forgiveness from sin because of his sacrifice on the cross. Our faith in him begins when we believe and receive him as God with us. That makes Jesus the best father, the Everlasting Father.
    Do you know that Everlasting Father? Have you accepted Jesus as your savior? Do you need to consider your response to his fatherly love? We’d love to answer any questions and take time to pray with you – reach out to us today – burnthickory.com/next.

  • And He Will Be Called | Mighty God

    Episode  |  December 12th, 2021  |  43 mins 14 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We continue our Christmas season sermon series by looking at the next name for Christ listed in Isiah 9:6 at the prophecy of His birth – Mighty God. Jesus is has fulfilled the prophecy given in the old testament and Colossians 1:17 tells us He is before all things and His power holds all things together. He is creator of all things as He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Jesus has defeated Satan and conquered death all in order to give us heavenly resurrection. And finally, He has also promised that He will return and has prepared a place for us. As we live out our faith and read the bible, we learn how to trust in God. Scripture both Old and New Testament points to Jesus as our mighty God. The gospel or good news is that we can believe trust Him to redeem us because of who He is.
    Do you trust in the mighty God for rescue and resurrection? Maybe you have more questions about who Jesus is. We’d love to answer questions and pray with you, just reach out – burnthickory.com/next

  • And He Will Be Called | Wonderful Counselor

    Episode  |  December 5th, 2021  |  45 mins 21 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    Christmas is such a beautiful time for Christians, because we celebrate the birth of Jesus, Immanuel who is God with Us. As we make our way through the Christmas season, we are going to explore each of the names of Jesus as His birth was foretold in Isaiah. This week, we start with Wonderful Counselor. The root of all our problems is our separation from God. Since Adam and Eve, we have been separated from Him through sin, and the solution comes in knowing God and knowing Him rightly. A wonderful counselor is one who is beyond understanding but advises, too wonderful for words, but makes things known. Begin your faith journey of getting to know Him rightly by being honest with Him, ask for healing, listen to His guidance, and do whatever He says to do.
    Do you know Jesus as your savior? Have you trusted Him as your wonderful counselor? If not, please reach out, we’d love to pray with you and share the hope of Jesus with you this Christmas season. Burnthickory.com/next