The Parables of Jesus | The Challenge of the Lost Coin


February 20th, 2022

43 mins 44 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

We conclude this sermon series studying the parables of Jesus with pastor Marty teaching through Luke 15 on the parable of the lost sheep and coin. The framework to view this parable through is the truth that Jesus is keenly aware of people’s loneliness, and he is willing to go to great lengths to save those who are lost. We as believers should be less concerned with our religion, and more concerned with seeing the lost found. As the world becomes more dark, our temptation is to become more religious. This goes against what Jesus is teaching, that we, now more than ever, need to become more like him and see the lost like never before. Our job as Christians in daily life should not be pointing to ourselves in boast, but listening and loving others and pointing them to Christ.
Do you feel conviction for the lost, or conviction about your lack of concern for the lost? Are you constantly aware of the loneliness and sadness in people around you? Have you gotten out of your comfort zone and talked to someone about Jesus lately? What a reminder for us, that salvation is just a point in the journey, but evangelism is a process, and we get to be a part of it as God works in peoples lives. Take time to participate in the lost coin challenge, and as you seek for him to do something in you, he will do something through you. As always, reach out if you’ve got any questions or want to take the next step in your faith journey –