The Door | Power and Promise
March 9th, 2025
39 mins 14 secs
About this Episode
"The Door" - Power and Promise Series
Journey into the rich world of first-century shepherding to understand one of Jesus's most profound "I AM" statements. Through two distinct types of sheepfolds—city and country—discover how Jesus reveals His role as both our salvation and protection.
Key Insights:
• The City Sheepfold: Where true sheep recognize their shepherd's voice
• The Country Sheepfold: Where the shepherd becomes the door
• Why sheep respond only to their shepherd's unique call
• How Jesus positions Himself between us and every danger
• The difference between religious activity and true relationship
Scripture Focus: John 10:1-10 "I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture."
Learn why sheep recognize their shepherd's voice and how this metaphor reveals three truths: Jesus as the only way to God, his promise of protection, and his path to fulfillment. Understanding how shepherds became living doors by laying down in the gateway illuminates Jesus's role between us and danger. This message challenges believers to examine whose voice they follow and whether they've entered through the one door that leads to abundant life.
Speaker: Matt Petty
Series: Power and Promise
Location: Burnt Hickory Baptist Church
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