The Church | Belong


November 15th, 2020

40 mins 53 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Church is not a spectator sport. It is unlike anything else that you do on this planet, and something that God has called us to belong to put roots down in and be an active part, Its different than just attending an event. We are the Ekklesia - called out by God to band together as one people group under one purpose. We are also to be sanctified - cleansed and given a new start and to be made holy. Not onlyl forgiven, but separated for His purpose.

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, " And I tell you that you Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Jesus not only started the church, He also loves it, and it's really hard to call yourself a Jesus follower and not be planted, rooted, and belonging to his church.

Take the next step with us today, reach out and discover membership here at Burnt Hickory -