Stay Positive


November 29th, 2020

44 mins 45 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

We see in Philippians that Paul's telling the church, in these remarkably awful times that we have right now, the way everyone is going to see Christ is through your gentleness and your grace. It's through the gentle grace that God has given us that we reciprocate that to everybody else. It's God through us. What are our social media interactions showing those around us?

It's almost like we have this arrogant notion that if we can kind of clean ourselves up good enough in the sight of the Lord, then maybe we can run from the bad stuff in this world. Paul's telling us in scripture to come to God with a grateful attitude, and that's something so key for our relationship with Him.

Our goal as Christians is not to avoid or eliminate unpleasant and tough circumstances, but to renew our minds, trust in God's goodness, and stay positive.

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