Parent Fails To Avoid | Father’s Day 2024

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About this Episode

Today, on Father’s Day, we explore the scripture and examine what it means to be a Godly parent. In 2 Samuel 13, we see the story of Amnon, David’s son, and the tragedy of sin in his life. Our goal in this is to take away examples of parenting failures we need to avoid as we raise our kids, and also what we can do to overcome failure as a parent. We should never set an example we don’t want our kids to follow, live angrily without providing wisdom and discipline, give them everything except our presence, or simply do nothing. We need to be more concerned with pointing our children to an eternally joyful relationship with Jesus instead of concentrating on how much they like us.
Are you setting an example you want your children to follow? Is your anger simply selfish venting? Do you need some encouragement or to explore the next steps in helping you become a Godlier parent? Do you have questions about Jesus? We would love to connect with you, take the time to answer any questions, and point you toward additional resources and classes to grow your faith and parenting, so reach out today. You can always take the next step by visiting