Impact | Missions Sunday
November 1st, 2020
41 mins 23 secs
About this Episode
How do we advance the gospel in the context of today? It's relationships. It's relationships. It's relationships. Every person that names the name of Jesus, wherever your foot falls tomorrow as you wake up to start your routine; school, work, you know, neighborhood, that's wherever your foot falls, that's mission. The primary instrument is you God's hand is upon you and He leads us by His Spirit.
God's vision for your life is uniquely personal, and He's wired you for relationships. He's called you into mission and it is uniquely personal, to every individual. Not everybody is called to cross an ocean, but everybody in this room is called to advance the gospel.
Are you willing to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and say, yes, and whatever it costs, you will lay it on the line and sacrifice and go, demands obedience? The willingness to turn your back on, maybe what you want to do with a heart that says, Yes, Lord, I will follow, I will do what you call me into.