Burnt Hickory | Sermons
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
241 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons since the first episode, which aired on July 12th, 2020.
Easter | What did the Resurrection Do?
Episode | April 9th, 2023 | 38 mins 11 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We celebrate Easter every year, but what did the resurrection actually accomplish? If we believe that its true, it means that we are redeemed from our sin and Jesus has secured out future. Because of his sacrifice and offering his power we can truly live, to live with hope. We study in Luke that after Jesus was crucified, the tomb was discovered empty. What an amazing fact, that the empty tomb has bought our eternity, the vacancy has bought our victory. We can have hope and life because of Jesus.
If you have questions about the resurrection and what it means to be redeemed, please reach out. We would love to connect with you and tell you about Jesus and the good news that we have because of him. You can always take the next step by visiting Burnthickory.com/next -
Hope Over Darkness
Episode | April 2nd, 2023 | 45 mins 19 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
As we look towards Easter next weekend, we follow along Jesus’ path towards the cross. After his entry into Jerusalem, things turn dark quickly. It’s easy to misdirect our hope like the disciples did. Or to misunderstand hope based on our circumstances. But we learn from scripture that because of Jesus, we have true and redeeming hope that restores us through the cross. 1 Peter 2:24 says “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” We have healing because of Jesus’ sacrifice, and we look to celebrate Easter because he has risen, indeed.
DNOW Weekend
Episode | March 26th, 2023 | 48 mins 26 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Our Radiate Students hosted an amazing DNOW weekend where hundreds of middle and high school students got to recharge their faith, come together for fun and fellowship, and were inspired to carry the gospel to the lost through their schools and friends. It was 2 days filled with worship, games, and small group time, and lives were transformed. Today, we get to experience the ending to an impactful weekend through hearing from our DNOW guest speaker Kelly Knouse. Get ready to dive into learning about servanthood and our charge to share the gospel with our lost friends.
Freedom From Shame
Episode | March 19th, 2023 | 44 mins 14 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
This week, we study the bible and discover what God says about dealing with shame. We learn that guilt is the focus on the what, and shame is the focus on the who, and shame comes from feelings of guilt from what we have done. Shame can be brought into our lives by others, but mostly it comes from something about you that you have no control over. By studying Mark chapter 5, we see that shame leads us to become something that God never intended us to be, but we have a way of freedom from shame. If you’re dealing with shame and guild feelings, check out this sermon and learn how God can heal you and you can move on in life through truth.
If you’ve got questions about shame and what to do to be free, we’d love to connect with you and walk you through freedom, so respond in the comments. You can reach out or take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next -
Freedom from the Grip of Anxiety
Episode | March 12th, 2023 | 44 mins 22 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
This week, we continue to look at what scripture says about our feelings and how we can trust and lean into God’s promises and rely on his character when life gets tough. As we study Matthew chapter 6, we learn that anxiety pushes us to think too little of God and tries to hide how much God thinks of us. Its easy to see what we are devoted to in life, since we tend to worry the most about it, but that worry doesn’t change anything. As we deal with anxiety in life, we have to rely on God’s promises and our faith needs to drive our feelings, not the other way around.
As always, if you’ve got questions, reach out today. You can take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next -
In The Pit of Depression
Episode | March 5th, 2023 | 45 mins 58 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Depression is when you are looking into the now and into the future, and all you feel is despair, suffocating darkness, and no clear way back to joy. Today we study Jerimiah chapter 3 to see what scripture says about dealing with depression and finding joy in what seems like a place of no hope. We learn that its ok to express raw emotions to God when we are struggling, and many of the greatest Christ followers in history are not those that God delivered from pain and sorrow, but those who God delivered through it. Learn how to recall and search for the goodness of God and discover the good lessons God is trying to teach you in your time of despair.
Shining Like The Stars To The Nations
Episode | February 26th, 2023 | 45 mins 5 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
This morning in our bible study, we look at Philippians chapter 2, where we dive into what it means to have true joy. To shine the salvation message of Jesus like the stars to the dark world, joy has to replace a critical, grumbling, and arguing heart. We know that this world is crooked and perverted, but we as Christ followers must recognize our position and we must grow from that. We also learn that we must live out our calling through our attitude and actions if we are to shine like the stars.
Are you living out your calling with joy? Have you recognized your position in Christ? Are you growing in Him? As always, we’d love to connect with you, answer any questions you have, and take time to pray with you. You can always take the next step by visiting burnthickory.com/next. -
The Transformed Life | Simon Peter: Transformed by Grace
Episode | February 19th, 2023 | 40 mins 52 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We conclude our sermon series called the Transformed Life this week by looking at Simon Peter. We dive into scripture to look at Simon Peter’s face-to-face encounter with Jesus that changed his life. What we see as Simon remembers, is restored by, and eventually recommissioned by the grace of Jesus Christ, we learn that we should follow Him and not compare ourselves with someone else. When we do follow Jesus, our lives will reflect Him through faithful obedience, unwavering love, and a passionate commitment to Him. Jerry Bridges puts it like this - “You are loved and accepted by God through the merit of Jesus… Nothing you ever do will cause him to love you any more or any less. He loves you strictly by His grace given to you through Jesus.”
Have you accepted Jesus? Are you following him? Do you have questions? We’d love to connect with you, answer any questions you have, and take time to pray with you. Reach out today. You can always take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next -
The Transformed Life | Saul’s Illuminated Jesus Moment
Episode | February 12th, 2023 | 42 mins 33 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
In our bible study today, we look at Saul’s conversion in Acts chapter 22. The significance of this divine face to face encounter with Jesus is absolutely life changing for Saul, even to the point of his name change. We look at the aspects of the contact, conviction, the conversion, and ultimately, the commission of Paul in this experience. As believers, we each have a purpose and a story. God never leaves us where we are. We need to ask two simple but life changing questions – who are you Lord, and what shall I do?
Have you had a defining Jesus moment? Have you asked these life changing questions? Do you want to find your purpose as a follower of God? As always, we’d love to connect with you, answer any questions you have, and take time to pray with you. You can also take the next step by visiting – burnthickory.com/next -
The Transformed Life | Wisdom from Zacchaeus
Episode | February 5th, 2023 | 41 mins 57 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
As we continue our sermon series on the transformed life, we study Zacchaeus, and we learn some big lessons from this little character as he came face-to-face with Jesus. As we study scripture, we learn that no one is beyond the goodness of Jesus, and it’s a God-breathed, soul-level curiosity that positions us to actually meet Him. When Jesus looks up at Zacchaeus, he calls out to him in the tree, and gives him a personal invitation. We see that every invitation from Jesus demands a personal response, and this invitation was more than just a visit at his house. Zacchaeus was invited to abide with Jesus, and he accepts. His life is completely changed because of his encounter with Jesus. We need to inspect our own lives for the evidence of the invitation and encounter with Jesus. The good news is that Jesus truly comes to seek and save the lost!
What evidence is present in your life of the change that has happened after encountering Jesus? Have you received His invitation and responded? If not, take the next step today. We’d love to pray with you and answer any questions you have, so reach out today. You can always take the next step here – burnthickory.com/next. -
The Transformed Life | The Disciples’ Upper Room Feast
Episode | January 29th, 2023 | 38 mins 23 secs
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
Today, we study scripture and look at feasts in the bible, specifically at the upper room feast, and the impact on the lives of the disciples as they at face-to-face with Jesus. We see that the first feast was not just about eating a meal together, but in picking a team. God provides a way for life, but it requires a sacrifice and an active faith. All of the struggles of this world are temporary because we will be wholly, joyfully, and eternally united with Jesus.
Are you trusting in Jesus with life’s struggles? Have you given your life to Jesus as a sacrifice? Do you know that your eternity is provided for because of Jesus’ redemption of your sin? As always, if you’ve got questions or need prayer, we’d love to connect with you. You can take the next step in your faith journey by visiting – burnthickory.com/next -
The Transformed Life | Woman at the Well
Episode | January 22nd, 2023 | 41 mins
baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon
We continue our sermon series called the Transformed Life where we’re looking at the lives of people from scripture and how their lives were changed after coming face-to-face with Jesus. We are studying John chapter four and the woman at the well. We learn that how we perceive Jesus will shape everything about us. Jesus fully sympathized with what this woman was going through, and he fully sympathizes with us too. In fact, Jesus desires to reach into the deepest depths of our souls so that he can heal us from the inside out, and the good news is that he saves people who no one else would normally think are worthy to be saved. Thank God that we have such a merciful and wonderful savior!
Have you found the life of dignity, meaning, and kingdom purpose that Jesus promises? Have you been saved? Do you want to know more about this compassionate and merciful Jesus? We’d love to answer any questions and take time to pray with you, so reach out today. You can always take the next step by visiting – burnthickory.com/next.