Burnt Hickory | Sermons

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

241 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons since the first episode, which aired on July 12th, 2020.

  • Freedom in Christ | Oh Confused Galatians!

    Episode  |  September 24th, 2023  |  33 mins 52 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    As we continue our study through the book of Galatians, we learn that as we grow in Christ, it’s through the same way we began our walk, by focusing on the finished work of Christ. If you first received the Holy Spirit by faith, then why would you think that you grow in the Holy Spirit any other way? As we continually renew our faith in the finished work of Jesus, the power and clarity of the Holy Spirit is continually released in us. Our key direction and focus of life are laid out through God’s law, but the law does not have the power to propel us forward without the Holy Spirit. The law shows us how far we are from God, but Jesus shows us how close we can now and forever be to Him.
    Have you accepted Jesus as your savior? Do you believe in His finished work on the cross on your behalf? Is the Holy Spirit leading you forward in your faith? If you’ve got questions, we’d love to connect with you, pray with you, and take time to answer them. Reach out today! You can always take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • Freedom in Christ | Live Like You’re Alive

    Episode  |  September 17th, 2023  |  43 mins 27 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    The gospel, the good news of Jesus, is not just the ticket that gets you into God’s kingdom. The gospel is the fuel, the power, and the map that enables you to live the Christian life out. As we continue through the book of Galatians in the bible, we learn that we are justified through our faith in Jesus, which means that God’s grace is given freely to us to forgive us, pardon us, and make us right before Him. If you are a Christian, you have been made eternally alive through Jesus through your faith in what He has done. Justification is a universal need of all mankind, and we rejoice that God has made a way for us as sinners to be forgiven and brough into right standing considering His holiness.
    Have you been forgiven and made alive in Jesus? Do you care enough about the gospel to defend it? How are you living out your justification? If you’ve got questions, we’d love to connect with you and take the time to answer those questions, pray with you, and celebrate your next step in your faith journey. Reach out today or take the next step here – burnthickory.com/next.

  • Freedom in Christ | The Life-giving True Gospel

    Episode  |  September 10th, 2023  |  42 mins
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We begin our new sermon series through the chapter of Galatians where we explore the tension of the law and freedom in Christ. Today, we define what the gospel means. It’s the good news that Jesus, the perfect Son of God; died for our sins, rose again, conquered sin, and now gives eternal life to those who believe, repent, and trust in Him as their Savior and Lord. Some truths we discover about the gospel is that it’s founded on the grace of God and secured by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. It’s unchangeable by anyone or anything at any time, and the gospel is the only way to have an eternally meaningful life. The opposition to the good news of the gospel is driven by Satan and his kingdom, but when we put our faith in what Jesus did on behalf of us through dying for our sins, we can truly celebrate the good news.
    Have you experienced the gospel? Have you believed, trusted, and repented? Do you need to accept Jesus today? We’d love to connect with you, answer any questions you’ve got, and take time to pray with you. We’d love to know about your salvation story and if you’ve decided to trust Jesus as Lord. Feel free to reach out. You can always take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • Fallen but not Finished

    Episode  |  September 3rd, 2023  |  44 mins 30 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We finish our sermon series called God’s Not Done With You by studying arguably the best comeback story in the bible, David. Davis was blessed by God in so many ways, but he was isolated and in a place to be tempted. The truth is everyone sins. It’s our response after the sin that makes the difference. Whether you cover it up, hide it, move on, or try to make up for our sin, God loves us, even in our sin. When we approach God with a humble and repentant heart, He will not reject us. Sin will never satisfy us and always leaves us empty, but repentance aligns us back to God’s loving heart.
    How are you dealing with sin in your life? Have you trusted Jesus to save you and received the forgiveness of God? Do you have questions about what to do with guilt? Then reach out today, we’d love to answer any questions you’ve got, take time to pray with you, and help you discover a loving and forgiving God who wants to save you. You can also take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • When We Don’t See God (Esther)

    Episode  |  August 27th, 2023  |  41 mins 37 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    Just because we don’t clearly see God’s plan in this moment, it does not mean that He does not moving in an amazing way to save us. Sometimes, even when we don’t see God, He still wants us to stand for Him. We continue our sermon series called God’s Not Done With You, and we read from scripture about Esther. What we learn is that God is always working to position and prepare us to make a stand for Him, and He places wise people in our lives to show us His compassion and His plan. God see and blesses every act of obedience, and we are never out of His sight.
    Do you trust in God’s plan? Are there times when you feel like you are completely alone, and God is not with you? Do you have questions or need someone to pray with? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to answer any questions and take time to pray with you. You can take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • Just Say Yes To God

    Episode  |  August 20th, 2023  |  44 mins 8 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    As we continue our sermon series called God’s not done with you, we dive into the story of Jonah. We learn that the discipline of God comes from His heart of love to draw us back to him, not to push us away. Sin starts with small decisions but ends with major disasters because it starts with us saying no to God and yes to our own desires. We also see that sin causes us to live as people we swore we would never be and our sin effects everyone around us. But the good news is that God loves us enough to provide a solution to our sin problem through His forgiveness and love.
    As you learn about Jonah’s sin in scripture, what takeaways resonate with you? How does your sin affect you and others around you? Have you placed your trust in Jesus to forgive you? As always, we’d love to connect with you, take time to pray and answer any questions you have. You can take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • Out Of The Darkness, Into His Glorious Light

    Episode  |  August 13th, 2023  |  43 mins 45 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    God loves you, and He wants to give you peace, power, deliverance and hope. As we study Elijah’s story today in scripture, we see a road map to despair paved with emptiness, opposition, fearfulness, and loneliness. But also, we see in the bible that God will always provide just what we need, right when we need it. Our role as Christ followers is to trust in God’s provision and listen to Him. God gives us assurance of His power, presence, and love, and that is what defeats despair.
    Are you dealing with the battle of darkness? Do you feel like Elijah sometimes – in the pit of despair? Do you need to trust in God’s provision? Do you have questions about Jesus? We’d love to connect with you, answer any questions you have, and take time to pray with you over what you are going through in life. Reach out today! Also, you can always take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next

  • God Intended It for Good!

    Episode  |  August 6th, 2023  |  42 mins 55 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    No matter the circumstance we find ourselves in today, God will be faithful. He is always working for our eternal good and his glory; therefore, we should boldly live with an eternal focus, not a sin-stained, limited, earthly perspective. As we continue our sermon series called God’s Not Done With You, we look in Genesis at the story of Joseph. What we can learn from this scripture is that even if it seems that all others have rejected you, even family, God hasn’t, and God is enough. Our true character is revealed in the choices we make under pressure, and when other believe the worst about you, it’s God that stand with and for you.
    Do you feel abandoned or betrayed by people? Are you putting your trust in the one who has your back? Do you need to ask Jesus to be your savior to be assured that you have ultimate victory? Then reach out today, we’d love to answer any questions you have and take time to pray with you. Take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next

  • You are not Defined by Your Past

    Episode  |  July 30th, 2023  |  42 mins 55 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    When you are feeling like the world has ended, that things you’re striving for are falling apart, when it seems like all hope is lost, God’s not done with you. We look in scripture through this sermon series at the lives of people who have not been defined by their past, but God has shown that even in their failures, He’s not done in their lives. Today we look at Moses and see that God was not done with him, and that every person that is greatly used by God has had an encounter when they have had to listen to God. God speaks when we are humble and ready to listen to Him, and one simple word from God can literally change our whole life. As we listen and begin to trust God, we see that God can ensure our future no matter what our past looks like.
    Are you listening to God? Do you trust Him? Do you have questions about who God is? We’d love to connect with you and answer any questions you’ve got and spend time praying with you. Take the next step today by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • Together | In Him & For Him | The Calling

    Episode  |  July 23rd, 2023  |  41 mins 47 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    As we conclude our sermon series through Ephesians, we look at chapter 6 and the idea that our work matters to God. What we do for a vocation is ordained by God at creation before the fall – to work in relationship with each other, to meet needs, and to be fruitful and multiply. In modern times, we have separated the sacred from the secular, keeping work and Christina life distinct, when in reality, our vocation is our calling from God. As we seek God’s approval, we get to serve others through our interactions at work. Your eternal rewards are given by God based on your work here on earth, so your work matters to him.
    How are you using your job as your calling? Who do you do your job for? What’s your next step to wrap the secular into the sacred at work? If you’ve got questions, we’d love to connect with you, answer any questions you might have, and take time to pray with you – so reach out today. You can take the next step in your faith journey by visiting burnthickory.com/next.

  • Together | In Him & For Him | Sacrificial Marriage

    Episode  |  July 16th, 2023  |  37 mins 32 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    In Ephesians chapter 5, we see the picture of what a family looks like that’s been changed by the gospel. Just as Christ saved us from darkness, we are to live as children of light in Him. When we read that wives should submit to their husbands, we know that it does not mean that a wife is not equal to her husband, or that she has to always agree with her husband. What it does imply is that a biblical marriage has honor for the husband’s Godly leadership and cooperate in helping through her gifts. When we see that husbands are to love their wives with a sacrificial, serving, faithful, caring, and sanctifying love.
    For those of us who are married, we know that having a healthy marriage takes work and patience. If you are struggling a little in your relationship, or are in a full-blown crisis, sign up for our marriage mentoring program - https://www.burnthickory.com/marriagementoring. If you have questions or want to take the next step in your faith journey, then reach out today – burnthickory.com/next.

  • Together | In Him & For Him | The Gospel Changes Everything

    Episode  |  July 9th, 2023  |  44 mins 34 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We continue in our summer sermon series through Ephesians by looking at chapter 4 this week. We see that in discerning spiritual gifts that God has given us, we need to consider our affinity, ability, and the affirmation from others. Our gifts are the means in which we share the gospel. Because we have been changed through the gospel, we live with renewed minds, hearts, and souls for Christ. Charles Stanley puts it this way – “God's plan for enlarging His kingdom is so simple - one person telling another about the Savior. Yet we're busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone's eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you'll have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel.”