Burnt Hickory | Sermons

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

236 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons since the first episode, which aired on July 12th, 2020.

  • Shipwrecks In The Shallows

    Episode  |  May 2nd, 2021  |  36 mins 6 secs
    baptist, bible, church, elijah, faith in jesus, gods promise, lasting faith, preaching, promised, promises, salvation, scripture, sermon, true faith, worship

    Pastor Chip picks up the story of Elijah after the great showdown on the mountain, when God showed His power. Elijah’s life is threatened by one of Jezebel’s messengers, and Elijah becomes afraid and runs away to hide and even asks God to end his life. We see how a strong faith can be shipwrecked by not relying on God.

  • One True God

    Episode  |  April 25th, 2021  |  40 mins 14 secs
    baptist, bible, church, elijah, god’s power, god’s presence, idols, prayer, preaching, repentance, scripture, sermon, true god, true worship, worship

    We are always worshiping something; you can’t turn it off. The real question to consider is “what” are you worshiping? As we dig into 1 Kings, we see that people where worshiping false gods and idols, and Pastor Matt shows us that in reality, we aren’t that different. Our idols look different than in the days of Elijah, but we are still trying to replace God’s rightful place in our hearts with objects, ideas, and people.

  • The Power of One Act of Obedience

    Episode  |  April 18th, 2021  |  43 mins 57 secs
    baptist, believe, bible, bible study, church, eternity, faith, follow jesus, hear from god, hear god’s voice, obedience, preaching, scripture, sermon

    You may never know how one small obedient act will impact eternity. The widow in 1 Kings is a perfect example of God’s plan in action as a part of a larger narrative. We learn today, that when we trust God and give Him our all, we grow personally, and it paves the way for others to come to faith also.

  • Why Baptism?

    Episode  |  April 11th, 2021  |  40 mins 24 secs
    baptism, baptist, baptize, be forgiven, believe in jesus, bible, church, faith, follow jesus, forgiveness, preaching, salvation, scripture, sermon, what is baptism

    Baptism is the public symbol that you are believing in Jesus, receiving His saving work as your own, and publicly declaring to others that you are His follower. As we look at scripture today, Pastor Matt shows us a few misconceptions about baptism, and why it’s a crucial part of faith in Jesus.

  • Easter | The Significance of the Resurrection

    Episode  |  April 4th, 2021  |  34 mins 21 secs
    baptist, bible, bible study, church, easter, easter worship service, empty tomb, forgive, forgiveness, how to be saved, jesus, jesus death, preaching, resurrection, salvation, scripture, sermon, sin

    You might wonder why Christians talk so much about “the resurrection”. It might be confusing to understand the significance of Jesus’ death on our lives today. Why should we have hope today? If you’ve thought these things before, then you are in good company. Pastor Matt shows us the significance of the resurrection and what it can mean to you personally.

  • I Am Called | DNOW Weekend

    Episode  |  March 28th, 2021  |  37 mins 29 secs
    baptist, bible, chris lovell, church, discipleship, follow jesus, jesus, preaching, radiate, radiate students, scripture, sermon, students

    DNOW was a powerful experience for our Radiate Students, and we get to hear from guest speaker Chris who led them over the weekend in bible studies. He talks to us about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and charges us to take our walk and relationship with Him deeper.

  • The Lord's Supper | The Twelve

    Episode  |  March 21st, 2021  |  43 mins 27 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    As we conclude the series on how twelve men changed the world by following Jesus, we look at the significance of the last supper. Pastor Matt takes us on a journey and explores the deep symbolism behind the Lord’s supper and leads us into understanding why we continue to hold it as an institute of our faith.

  • Andrew | The Twelve

    Episode  |  March 14th, 2021  |  43 mins 8 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    As we continue looking into the lives of the twelve disciples, we study Andrew and learn some takeaways that should impact everyone around us on a daily basis. Pastor Matt also shows us how easy it is to share the gospel with someone simply by sharing how Jesus changed your life. From scripture we are challenged to bring people with us on our faith journey and know that God has created us to lead others to Jesus.

  • Judas | The Twelve

    Episode  |  March 7th, 2021  |  43 mins 56 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    How could a disciple also be a traitor? Did Jesus know that Judas would betray him at the end of his life? What happened to Judas? All these questions are answered as we continue our sermon series about the twelve who changed the world. As we look at Judas’ life, we can take away the principle that our life’s legacy shouldn’t be defined by wasted opportunities with Jesus.

  • Thomas | The Twelve

    Episode  |  February 28th, 2021  |  45 mins 11 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    This week, we dive deep into scripture to look at the life of Thomas, who seems to have gotten a bad rap over the years from preachers for being a doubter. Every Christian struggles with doubt, even the great cornerstones of faith in the bible have. But we can’t allow a season of doubting limit our future walk with Jesus. Pastor Matt shows us six components that prove Thomas’s faith was not limited by doubt, and how we should not be defined by doubt.

  • Peter | The Twelve

    Episode  |  February 21st, 2021  |  40 mins 36 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    This week, we study Peter and learn that even through failure, it's not fatal in our walk with Jesus. As we read the accounts in Matthew and Luke, we see that Peter was both a rock of spiritual strength, and a traitor when things got too real. In our own lives, we can take small steps toward denying Jesus just as Peter did if we aren’t careful.

  • John | The Twelve

    Episode  |  February 14th, 2021  |  44 mins 7 secs
    baptist, bible, church, preaching, scripture, sermon

    We look at John this week as we continue to study the twelve who changed the world. We learn that truth without love is nothing more that brutality and divisiveness and it will never represent the heart of Jesus. We need to have absolute love for people when sharing the absolute truth with them.