Easter 2022 | The Resurrection Changes Everything | Burnt Hickory

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Jesus is alive, he is alive indeed! Why is this such an amazing thing to celebrate in these modern times? The simplicity of this is the truth of the gospel, and its life changing. The resurrection of Jesus is of first importance, it was physically real, and it is for us. If Jesus had not raised from the dead, then our faith would be rendered of no use. His death was an actual event that happened in history. And we know it is for us because the resurrection provides forgiveness for our past, transforms us in the present, and secures us for the future. Because Jesus is alive, we have hope, faith, salvation, and assurance.
Do you trust Jesus? Have you given your heart to him? Is the power of the resurrection transforming you? If you’ve got any questions about Jesus and the resurrection, we would love to connect with you, answer questions, and pray with you. You can always take the next step here – burnthickory.com/next