Blessed Assurance | Saving Faith Warnings

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Today, in our sermon series about having assurance in your faith, we explore the warning signs that your faith may not be genuine. A warning sign for someone might be continually and habitually sinning or if they try to believe but not repent. Another sign is that someone remains casual or openly embraces sin. One way that you can be assured that you know God is to live in an attitude of surrendering all to Him. Closeness to God does not make you feel more holy; it makes you feel dirtier, and you can be assured you know God if you have a deep awareness of your sin and allow Jesus to cover it.
Do you deny, rationalize, or hide sin? What’s keeping you from confessing your sin and repenting from it? Do you believe and understand the gospel? Do you have eternal confidence in resting in Jesus's finished work? Take time today to reach out. We’d love to answer any questions you’ve got and pray with you. You can have blessed assurance of faith in Jesus by taking the next step – visit