Burnt Hickory | Sermons
Love | Hope | Family | Community
We found 1 episode of Burnt Hickory | Sermons with the tag “temple courts”.
Light of the World | Power and Promise
Episode | March 2nd, 2025 | 41 mins 48 secs
baptist, bible, church, divine guidance, divine light, festival of tabernacles, god's presence, i am statements, john 8, light of the world, matt sermon, pillar of fire, power and promise series, preaching, scripture, sermon, spiritual darkness, spiritual journey, temple courts, temple lights
Discover the deep meaning behind Jesus's declaration "I AM the Light of the World" during the Festival of Tabernacles. Through ancient traditions of blazing temple lights and dark nights, learn how Jesus fulfills Israel's deepest longing for God's presence and offers His transformative light to illuminate every aspect of our lives.