Burnt Hickory | Sermons
Love | Hope | Family | Community
We found 1 episode of Burnt Hickory | Sermons with the tag “divine promises”.
The Love of God | Christmas at Burnt Hickory
Episode | December 22nd, 2024 | 36 mins
advent message, baptist, bethlehem journey, bible, birth narrative, burnt hickory church, christmas faith, christmas love story, christmas message, christmas season, christmas worship, church, david's lineage, divine calling, divine favor, divine intervention, divine love, divine mercy, divine plan, divine promises, divine purpose, elizabeth and zacharias, emmanuel god, eternal kingdom, gabriel's announcement, generations blessed, god's faithfulness, god's love, god's mercy, god's mindfulness, god's power, god's presence, god's promises, god's sovereignty, god's word never fails, highly favored, holy spirit, humble heart, humble servant, incarnation story, joseph and mary, lifted up humble, lord's servant, luke chapter one, magnificat, march to the manger, mary's obedience, mary's prayer, mary's response, mary's story, matt petty sermon, messianic prophecy, mighty deeds, mindful of humble, mother of jesus, nazareth, powder springs ga, preaching, salvation message, scripture, sermon, shepherds story, son of most high, soul glorifies, spirit rejoices, throne of david, transformative love, unmerited mercy, virgin birth, west cobb church
Discover how God's love is revealed through Mary's story - from divine calling to faithful response. Experience the power of saying 'yes' to God's plan.