Burnt Hickory | Sermons
Love | Hope | Family | Community
We found 3 episodes of Burnt Hickory | Sermons with the tag “divine encounter”.
No One is Too Far for the Messiah
Episode | February 16th, 2025 | 40 mins 52 secs
baptist, bible, church, come and see series, cultural barriers, divine acceptance, divine encounter, divine purpose, jacob's well, jesus compassion, jesus ministry, jesus pursuit, kingdom impact, life transformation, living water, matt sermon, outcast to evangelist, preaching, samaria, scripture, sermon, spiritual healing, spiritual journey, spiritual renewal, spiritual transformation, woman at well
Discover how Jesus intentionally pursues those society rejects through the powerful encounter at Jacob's well. In this transformative message from John 4, learn six core characteristics of Jesus that reveal His heart for outcasts and His power to transform lives. From a Samaritan woman's journey from rejection to purpose, see how no one is too far from God's transforming grace.
Born Again: A Life Changing Conversation | Come and See
Episode | February 9th, 2025 | 32 mins
baptist, bible, born again, church, come and see series, divine encounter, john 3, kingdom of god, life changing conversation, matt sermon, new life, nicodemus, night visit, preaching, religious knowledge, scripture, seeking truth, sermon, spiritual awakening, spiritual birth, spiritual transformation
In this powerful message from John 3, discover what happens when a religious leader has a life-changing encounter with Jesus at night. Learn why intellectual knowledge isn't enough and how true transformation requires being "born again." Explore the difference between seeking answers and seeking Jesus as Lord in this compelling conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus.
Will You Follow Him? | Come and See
Episode | January 12th, 2025 | 39 mins 52 secs
andrew and john, angels ascending descending, atlanta church sermon, baptist, bethsaida, bible, bible exposition, bible study john, biblical teaching, burnt hickory church, cephas meaning, christian community, christian discipleship, christian faith basics, christian podcast, christian teaching podcast, church, come and see jesus, discipleship journey, divine encounter, divine invitation, divine purpose, divine revelation, following christ, genesis 28 connection, gospel of john teaching, jacob's ladder, jesus calls disciples, jesus encounters, jesus invitation, jesus knows you, jesus nicknames peter, john chapter 1, john the baptist testimony, lamb of god, matt petty sermon, modern discipleship, personal faith journey, personal transformation, peter's calling, philip and nathanael, preaching, scripture, sermon, simon peter, son of man, spiritual growth, spiritual guidance, spiritual identity, spiritual journey, spiritual transformation, walking through john series, west cobb church, will you follow him
Explore Jesus's first encounters with His disciples and discover how His invitation to 'come and see' still transforms lives today. A powerful message about authentic faith no matter where you are in your faith journey.